Monday, December 28, 2009

Gift of Growing

The Project is complete. Everyone linked to the project was incredibly patient and creative as we overcame some pretty extreme technical glitches. We learned a lot regarding the capacaties of Capture One 5 Pro edition with both Canon and Nikon cameras. My advice in the end. NO TIME LAPSE WITH CAPTURE EVER AGAIN! It's back end file setup is a nightmare for even the most patient DP. Additionaly the PC version is not very stable due to problems with Windows .NET programming. Any Canon owner would do much better using DPP with a interverlometer. Lesson learned.....on to the next project.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Apostrophe Appreciates

Currently working with a great group of people including the amazing Tim Nackashi, and Caspian Michalowski for the community garden project Gift of Growing. Here is a video of the initial setup.

I can't wait for this wheatgrass to start growing so I can see what Tim creates in post production.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Batteling the new Macbook Monitors

I just bought the Color Munki from X-Rite. Since it is a spectrometer it is working much better with the LED technology. Most of the pesky red is out of the skintones. It definitly works much better than the X-rite display tool. There is a definite lack of contrast after calibration that is still being worked out. Another concern is that it appears 2 stops brighter than it appears on a standard monitor. The new driver for Snow Leopard is great improvement but still has some kinks. Here's hoping that everyone will get on the same page soon so we can all stop worrying about it and shoot!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

APA Something Personal

I am really excited to exhibit a piece from the project I have been working on most of this year. The APA something personal exhibit is one of my favorite holiday parties. There are plenty of industry professionals, and talented artists around during this great holiday party. Click on the link for instructions to download an invitation. Again this is a great event for photographers at any level in their career.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wedding Post Production

Ever get the post production blues? I do. During the down time I always miss shooting. Hours in front of the computer retouching, designing, struggling with the ancient dilemma of woman vs. machine. Luckily there is always a payoff.

Because everyone loves film!

Jose Villa is giving a few of these little guys away on his wedding blog. Leave a message and he will randomly pick a few winners. This is a great way to capture all the upcoming holidays. Who says Polaroid is dead? Well maybe Polaroid is but Fuji is living on and capturing images the Old School Way.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Capture Five is Alive

The new version of Capture is out and as with all versions of this notorious software it's best to wait for the next update to do the full install, as the new versions tend to be ridden with bugs. The focus tool is back from 3.7 and improved, additionaly it should reduce crashes when checking for fine focus since it zooms into a part of the image and not the whole image. Hooray for all those P45 and P65 users out there.

Monday, October 19, 2009

X Rite

Loving my new color calibration device. Seems to be working pretty good. The ultimate test will be tonight with a fellow photographers brand spaking new 17" Macbook Pro. Can't wait to see if I can get the red out of the skin tones and get us in perfect balance for our shoot on Wednesday.

Another Great Couple

Just shot another fabulous wedding with the Blueberry Girls. Always a wonderful time working with them. The bride looked wonderful, and the groomsmen where the best looking people I have ever seen from Chicago! The ceremony amongst the redwoods was spectacular, and the beautiful purple dresses were the perfect start to the fall wedding season.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lou Lesko helpful & nice

Had the great pleasure of chatting it up with Lou Lesko. His wonderful insight regarding the photographic community and internet marketing is sure to keep my mind spinning for a few more days. I am very excited to get my WordPress site up so that I can share some of my amazing images from the summer.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


30 days left at Pro Camera. Looking forward to working with some of the great people from the community that I've met while working in the rentals dept. It's great to get back out there freelancing. It was a wonderful experience in LA and I think San Francisco will be even better. It's an exciting time in our industry, creative budgeting has a way of making our brains tinker for new ways of getting things done!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mike is the MAN!

Just had a great time catching up with Mike. Love to see him in the shop, always so positive and experimental. Check out his new work....and all the lovely praises for Myself and Pro Camera at his blog.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pro Camera

Great Technical advice from some hard core grip heads. These guys really know there stuff. Need help rigging something or lighting a full set. They can hook it up!

Capture One with Snow Leopard? Not yet

Just a little reminder to all the Capture One users the new Mac OS Snow Leopard is not supported. Do not upgrade your system yet if you want to keep your work flow going! If you just can't resist there is a work around located at on the phase web page. I do not recommend this!

Starting Up

Welcome to apostrophe's new blog site. New ideas, technical information to come.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Blueberry Photography

My first wedding season is over and I have my great friend Amanda Tung to thank for helping me through it and teaching me the ropes. She is such an amazing woman, soo friendly,warm and thoughtful.
She is a great inspiration for me to keep on smiling even when your amazing bride has gone BrideZILLA@! Check out her wonderful images at her blog.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Evans Loft Via Desire to Inspire

Love this blog and just wanted to post my good friend Evan's beautiful loft.
*this is also the loft complex I lived in while in LA.

This was one of those great weekends that makes it so great to be a photographer. No budget, no problem... Just out having a great time in my friends new home.